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Fresh from the Chilp Media Group

Archive for 2012


Joyeux Noël – Frohe Weihnachten – Merry Christmas!



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Declaration of Internet Freedom


We stand for a free and open Internet.
We support transparent and participatory processes for making Internet policy and the establishment of five basic principles:

Expression: Don’t censor the Internet.

Access: Promote universal access to fast and affordable networks.

Openness: Keep the Internet an open network where everyone is free to connect, communicate, write, read, watch, speak, listen, learn, create and innovate.

Innovation: Protect the freedom to innovate and create without permission. Don’t block new technologies, and don’t punish innovators for their users’ actions.

Privacy: Protect privacy and defend everyone’s ability to control how their data and devices are used.


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Uh-oh [Update]

Dear all,

our happy sites http://chilp.it and http://chilp.me are currently down and, to be honest, it’s my fault.
Well, I moved a couple of OTHER domains from one hosting company to another today and I “accidently” changed the A record of those two sites, too.

I already reverted the changes but it might take some time to propagate to your favorite DNS server since the TTL was set to 10800 seconds at that time.

I am very sorry for the trouble.

Update: Traffic is coming back. Happy shortening!


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Malware attack?

Dear all,

we were experiencing a high traffic situation over the last few days which is slowing down today. It all started when ~50 seemingly random URLs mostly registered at Free Domain Hosters were shortened through our our happy URL shortener http://chilp.it last weekend.

Since all of this domains where shortened within a short amount of time and were sporting the distinctive pattern “/s.php” we found out about it and blocked those probably malicious URLs.

We most likely wouldn’t have given those blocked URLs a second thought but they received so much clicks our traffic load tripled over the last couple of days. Although we don’t know the nature of the attack we like to warn you about it and decided to publish those URLs here. Feel free to contact us if you got any questions.

Stay safe,

http : // kuyinewa.vistafree.info/s.php
http : // fokovamo.wspromoter.info/s.php
http : // cihobote.phpnet.us/s.php
http : // leluzaxi.pnoyhost.com/s.php
http : // nucabowu.297m.com/s.php
http : // jupujoti.tha.im/s.php
http : // yoyojop.fastlink.in/s.php
http : // givevuxe.metrohosting.info/s.php
http : // qifusid.zionnite.us/s.php
http : // kiwirud.freeweb.pk/s.php
http : // vuyexay.lhosting.info/s.php
http : // juliguy.thefreephphost.com/s.php
http : // kefahub.4mtm.net/s.php
http : // becifayi.my-php.net/s.php
http : // bemihufe.suga.com.ar/s.php
http : // voginide.literalseduction.net/s.php
http : // ginoyiva.hostingforfree.org/s.php
http : // leteqiya.krubpom.com/s.php
http : // daxoxuso.doang.net/s.php
http : // nomibow.my-host.us/s.php
http : // jawufox.botetr.com/s.php
http : // xejevaje.freehostingplus.net/s.php
http : // mohufir.twohosting.com/s.php
http : // zezayalo.hq-blaze.info/s.php
http : // haliveb.koon.pl/s.php
http : // zusacaqu.hostingperron.com/s.php
http : // dadizoti.2freehost.com/s.php
http : // zixevema.hostfree.in/s.php
http : // pekixufa.01lx.net/s.php
http : // lepupula.0adz.com/s.php
http : // xumukabe.ispace.in.th/s.php
http : // lukuqaga.3host4.info/s.php
http : // jesojebe.valhallahost.tk/s.php
http : // zopezato.4sql.net/s.php
http : // rugacoc.iran50.com/s.php
http : // buqeyoqu.johaneswisnu.info/s.php
http : // yedutit.pnoyhost.com/s.php
http : // xahixebo.vixo.pl/s.php
http : // tizoqum.habibye.net/s.php
http : // xikanabi.free-website.biz/s.php
http : // samuroko.starlinks.ro/s.php
http : // xiluyuba.suga.com.ar/s.php
http : // tocizere.mutk.us/s.php
http : // kopivoko.suga.com.ar/s.php
http : // weribowo.123bemyhost.com/s.php
http : // gukeruro.fik4.com/s.php
http : // tiqutuyu.0blaze.info/s.php
http : // yitosuse.hosthost.info/s.php

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